Here's some links I like, sorry there's so few but I'm looking. I'll check them regularly and delete or correct any that don't work anymore.
The ultimate online RC30 place, the HRCV4 group is the new home for the long-standing Yahoo RC30 Owners club, renamed and rehomed to in November 2019. There is an astonishingg amount of RC30 knowledge on here, among many very active users so subscribe to the post summary if you do nothing else. There are guys on here who arrange to have pistons etc made, if you need to know something about RC30s - not just marketing or history, but "is there a way of recoating the factory titanium rods after resizing" level stuff. JOIN NOW! :) |
HONDA RC30 - RC45 MARKET AND ALL ABOUT RC30 RC45 - a must-join FB group with 3,500 members at Novemer 2019, I'm in NZ and I've bought RC30 parts from all over the world from friendly fellow RC30 owners, NO problem. Also a ton of shared info, cool pics, info, EXCEPTIONAL group. |
RC30 - RC45 Owners Facebook Group, only 88 members as at November 2019 but I think all actual owners, not just fans. |
RC30 Project Facebook Group, only 88 members as at November 2019 but I think all actual owners, not just fans. |
Durbahn Plastics, Hamburg Fantastic, this links to the main page - click in his right frame to open menu. Parts include RC30s, polished frames, motors... some amazing stuff, not a lot of it, but where else can you find a replacement frame for US$500? If you head to his main page you'll see he makes radical bodywork kits that look pretty hot too. Never seen a carbon fibre fuel tank before, but his are only a few hundred bucks. |
Honda Owners Club of Great Britain I've only had a quick look but it seems excellent and what I most like is that they have technical discussions and so on. Check it out! |
Simon's V-4 Honda Site - LINK UPDATED 8/2009 Nice looking site devoted to all the VFRs (and let's face it, RC30 fans usually love ALL VFRs), he's still working on it so keep checking it out. |
Email me a question about RC30s |